CBK Zuidoost
multimedia group exhibition
Nine (inter)national artists were asked to speculate about what THE FUTURE would look like. Dealing with TRAUMA was the central theme in their work. Though coming from different backgrounds all included artists shared unconventional situations, were internationally oriented, non-binary, non-conformist, traumatized and, above all, extremely driven. UNBLOCKED TOMORROW challenged the audience to think about alternate realities from diverse & multiple perspectives.
Kitty Salon CARE
A 3-screen video-installation. A humanized re-enactment wellness treatment of a tiny cat - tiktok-style. In my KITTY SALON CARE the kitten is substituted with 3 psychiatric patients who are filmed at close-up revealing the detail of emotions & an orgy of pleasure. My actors might seem perfectly calm, but at the same time might be perfectly insane. I want to sparkle the feeling of tenderness, a universal longing for THE TOUCH, which seems lost in our speedy, somewhat superficial (tiktok, selfie) or overinvolved (vegan) society. My psychiatric Kitty will seduce you. Within a short viewing time I intend to create the illusion of INTIMACY, a cocoon within which the viewer will feel SAFE TO ENJOY.
The project is supported by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
Kitty... in-progress
As the project has only just begun CBK Zuidoost showed Kitty Salon CARE in-progress. This included 3 video screens and a poster, followed later by related screening & book presentation ME & I.
The VIDEOS from left to right show:
1. Horizontal Video: After an artist’s residency at psychiatric clinic in Altrecht (Het Vijfde Seizoen) I underwent an extreme makeover transforming into 3 of the psychiatric patients I worked with. This performance was presented by Maxim Hartman and was broadcasted by VPRO in children’s programme Schepper-de-Schep.
2. Vertical Video: The first movie sketch of Kitty Salon CARE. Music composed & performed by Emma Breedveld & Job ter Haar. Video support by Sefer Memisoglu.
3. Vertical video: The original Kitty Salon tiktok movie that inspired me to start up the project.
The Kitty Salon CARE POSTER
On the opposite wall the poster clashes stills from the tiktok movie with some of the earliest psychiatric photographs from the 19th century. Fascinated by one of his hysteria patients doctor Charcot hoped to portrait Augustine’s mental condition, or even exorcise her. |